Pacific Yurts - The original modern yurt
Dec 282012

On August 18th of 2012, Becky Kemery passed away after a long battle with cancer.  She was a very gentle soul and will be greatly missed by her friends and family.


Becky was known by many as the yurt lady; a de facto source of yurt knowledge.  Her book ‘Living in the Round‘ is the bible for yurt information.

My name is Jeff Capron.  A few years ago I decided to look into a yurt to put on a piece of property I have up in the Adirondacks.  It did not take long before I found this site and  These two sites had the most helpful information when it came to learning about yurts and without access to them, I probably would not have even purchased one.  Shortly after I ordered my yurt, I started a discussion forum at to talk about my experience.  After Becky’s passing, I heard that the status of her two sites was uncertain.  I feared that all the hard work she put in on her sites might just disappear.  I made some inquiries with her estate and they agreed to let me take over the operations of them.

I must say that I am not 100% sure on how to proceed.  I expect that I will be slowly making subtle changes as time goes by.  I think Becky would not want the information on these sites to get stale or invalid.  I hope I can keep her memory alive as well as build upon her body of work.  I am open to any suggestions her friends and followers may have.  Feel free to contact me any time.

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